As for the specific Iodine questions, I would wait for Trapper to respond, as I am not sure what the dosage would be for a 10 lb dog. Yes, you can wrap the Iodoral in Cheese and I would start giving him one a day and then adjust the dosage when you hear from Trapper. I am successful in just dropping a tablet in my dog's mouth and massaging the throat. She seems to have no problem swallowing pills that way.
As for colloidal silver, your dog cannot overdose and there are no side effects. I would give him a large dose in each waterbowl, one ounce or more. However you might want to also give him probotics as large amounts of colloidal silver sometimes tend to kill the intestinal flora. Colloidal silver works wonders for dogs. I would start this immediately.
Another powerful supplement is Inositol/IP6. This supplement, together with colloidal silver, has been known to literally "melt" tumors.
Something else you may want to consider is Oleander. Oleander is over 90% effective against all types of cancer. Even though your Bichon has not been given too much time, I would implement this supplement. You can purchase Sutherlandia OPC which contains Oleander and Sutherlandia Frutescens, which is a South African plant which is used to cure cancer and other ailments from