Iodine is responsible for this!! I've been a weinie for waaaaayyyy tooo long. I'm going to form my ideal band. Finally. The perfect blend of big band, blues/r&b, motown and soul. I've been hiding behind my favorite singing exercise songs for a decade and I fervently change the subject with anybody from my past that wants to know why I'm not singing. So there. I said it on this thread so now it has to be so! No hiding. I'm too old for hiding. I've gone so far as to start collecting my favorite songs for the first playlist. The first quintessential playlist - ya know - the one you'd play if you found the nerve?
If I post these, I can't back away from them like I have for ten years.
These are a few that have always been on the dream playlist. I can't believe I'm doing this. Here goes: