Re: b12
You can also try Nutritional Yeast. It has very high amount of B-12. Blue-Green Alge and E3live (but can get expensive). And in my opinion you can also try Grass Fed meat from your local farmer (not a store). It CAN be very beneficial to you if you consume it a few times a month. Although there is a lot of talk from the vegan and raw food community about how bad it is for you to consume meat, you can greatly benefit by adding a very small amount of organic grass fed meat in your diet. If you ever wonder why many vegans get allot of wrinkles eating just raw, that is probably main reason why.
Being a rawfoodist or vegan is extremely beneficial for cleansing purposes but if done
for a long time can strip you form certain elements. That's another reason why it works so good in the beginning, but then if kept on, vegans look about 10 years older then they should. Everyone is different so what works for some might not work for you. This is just my educated, researched opinion.
The key in life is balance, find out what works for you by listening to your body, all else are just opinions. Just like this one.