Re: the answer is very simple...
>> "I believe stress is a much bigger factor of most disease formation than diet." <<
poor environment is a stress...
poor diet it a stress...
poor water is a stress..
use of pharmaceuticals, vaccines, OTC's are a stress...
not enough sun or exercise is a stress... too much of either is a stress too.
A job that exposes one to a poor, toxic environment as with the use of pesticides, herbicides, along with other chemical pollution is a stress; jobs such as dry cleaners, miners, foundry workers, commercial farmers where chemical and toxic environment exposure can be high is a stress.
Gene expression can be changed through a change in any of these.
that said - I will agree that generations of poor living conditions, diet, and habits within the same familial line can be more difficult to reverse, but they can be buffered, and even reversed over time... if living conditions, diet and behavior are changed.