I just wanted to reply here, because i've done so much research on the chi machine. I personally have the Sun Ancon machine (http://bestoriginalchimachine.com) and I've noticed that it looks much sturdier than the other machines. I love using it, my whole family uses it, including my 3 year old daughter (only for 2 minutes) it is so relaxing, and I don't know of any other way of describing the sensation when you are done. I saw other machines, and many of them look cheap rather than something you would want to invest in. They also said that the rhythm is what's important, you can't apparently just go fast or slow, there is a patented rhythm for this that was tested as the best way to use it for lymph cleansing. anyway, you can buy a less expensive car or a better one i guess, but we have adopted this and will use it permanantly.
good luck, I hope you can maybe sell that other one? Sorry that you got the wrong one.