Re: Obama no different
Obama will be a great disappointment, uh huh !
He won't change anything. There won't be emissions reductions, or electric cars, or fewer wars.
Government won't start to stand up to corporate abuses. Regulations will continue to be written by lobbyists.
Obama won't even be addressing the huge racial difference that exists in sending people to jail in the War on Drugs, or even for marijuana trafficing. The War on Drugs will continue to be a cover for the CIA's favorite "alternative revenue stream" [illegal drugs].
The Medical racket will still be all about CTP-OTS {"Create the Problem, Offer the Solution"} where harmfull drugs treat only symptoms and none of the $Billions spent on research will take so much as a glance at causes of illness.
Nope, Pres.Obama will be like all the rest who came before him, he will just
"look a little different" in the portrait gallery of American Presidents.