Well I have never played the lottery so can't help you in that area but if you go missing, I will place posters of your avatar and user name everywhere...asking "have you seen this man". I can at least do that for ya. lol
But seriously, I realize such things do happen. I have just started reading the book ML suggested "Bread From Stones - A New And Rational System Of Land Fertilization And Physical Regeneration"
Introduction by Dr. Raymond Bernard (A. B., M. A., Ph.D.)
"Dr. Julius Hensel was the greatest figure in the history of agricultural chemistry even if his powerful enemies, members of the octopus chemical fertilizer trust, have succeeded in suppressing his memory, destroying his books and getting his Stone Meal fertilizer off the market. But eventually the truth comes to the fore, and its enemies are vanquished. Julius Hensel's pioneer work in opposing the use of chemicals in agriculture, a half a century later, found rebirth in the Organic Movement which has swept through the world. But Hensel is more modern than the most modern agricultural reformer, for he claimed, on the basis of theorectical chemical considerations, and supported by practical tests, that his Stone Meal can replace not only chemical fertilizers but all animal ones as well."
There is more of the introduction but it shows the lengths people will go to to destroy anything good.