Re: Attn: Dr. Mom
You the Man!
Few would ever figure out that I did slip in the annointing oils in to Spray III formula and no doubt, the reason for the 2 that got a healing from just their first breaths of vapor. I am glad to hear your a "user"!
I actually have maybe an ounce of the one time batch of Annointing Oils, I think the first/only batch consited of a 16 oz bottle; total over the past several years! So for such a small batch to find its way to Florida and "the man" of Florida, is indeed an honor!
I personally felt the annointing oils did wonderous things for circulation to the scalp and silver cord connection. I actually got the idea from a man that was privileged enough to obtain a sacred catholic annointing oil formula that the Priest make once per year. That formula is extremely bazzar in nature and what turned me off the most is it used WALE OIL! I mean come on, how can anything good from putting a dead wale on out Spiritual Connection! I mean when your with 9 others in your hot tub, you certainly don't want anyone smelling dead wale oil on your head!
By now you know no BAREFOOT Formula remains the same very long, not until I am satisfied with it. It is time to make batch II of the annointing oils and this time it will be an easy spray and no longer guessing how many drops comes out of a dropper that we can only see in the mirror and you guessed it, this time, when your in the hot tub and use your new Annointing Spray, 1 spray does the entire crowd, so all 10 of you, the 9 girls and "you", you being the most important and only reason for the other 9 to be there, will all be on the same playing field spiritually. With higher hopes, maybe it will be possible to give one spray in the air over your bed each night and make sure no demonic critters attempt to mess with your dreams?
In theory of course!
Blessings and yes, bring all your friends to the Dr. Mom forum and give her the business! Keep her busy! I held the torch long enough, I need a break and Dr. Mom is like a fresh of new air to the world of the forums.
M.H. 108