Woah Ocean! Sounds like you're experiencing parasite Die Off! Apparently they make your life a little miserable as they are dying...Very very interesting that you are feeling negative emotions too. That is normal with cleansing too. Keep up with the b&p and the parasite cleanse...you want to get them all! You are going to feel so much better after they are out of there! If the headaches are really bad, I don't see why you couldn't take a little aspirin to get you over the hump. That might be a bad attitude, but if you're already feeling so under the weather...a little relief from your headache sounds right. Then you can concentrate on the possibilities of being parasite free! Did you read netav's post about his race horses? It's somewhere on here...he posted it under Raider's post about feeling sick, I think...because she got out parasite too. His post will pep you up.