Re: Is there dangers using MMS?
Thanks for the posts.
Is the biosafe study somewhere so I could read it?
I also would be happy to hear what silverfox has to say about my questions.
I am curious.. if the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement has never cured anything or anyone, why do you think there is some people speaking for it?
In my understading it is the chlorine dioxide which builds up in the reaction of
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and acid, and the chlorine dioxide is the substance which kills bacteria and viruses. I spoke with a doctor who confirmed the fact that chlorine dioxide was used in hospitals for disinfectant agent at least some time ago (in the 80's). The doctor also mentioned that it was good whitening agent for hospital clothing. I also have understanding that sodium chlorite is used as water purifying agent in Germany and Italy from where one would assume it to be safe for humans.
My conclusions:
If it has been used as a disinfectant in hospitals (it probably really kills bacteria and viruses).
And if it has been used as a water purifying agent (it SHOULD be safe?)
Here are two interesting images about clinical trials in Malawi.
Im not claiming anything. If I have misunderstood something please correct me.