From what I know about Nutrasilver, it is an overpriced and over-hyped product with a rediculously high PPM count that fails to deliver nearly as well as promised.
Here is one typical comment on a discussion board:
What disturbs me is the false claims this site has made. As in it CURES Morgellons Disease (FALSE), That is it the ONLY thing which helps Morgellons Disease (FALSE) and that you should buy tons of this GROSSLY overpriced product. Is anyone CURED from it? NO.
That and they use FEAR tactics to sell this product. If it was so good then WHY do they need to do this? WHY can't they tell the TRUTH about its benefits, and WHY do they need to charge SO MUCH for it? WHY do they show photos which are not typical results of this product? THAT is my problem with Nutrasilver.
There is absolutely no reason for any silver product to have such a huge PPM and I do not trust Nutrasilver to be any better than scores of other silver products who all claim to have a unique process and/or product that somehow make them superior to all others.