Newby question: bitter taste with CS
Hi everyone, I am new to this forum, ( though "seasoned" with curezone). I have a
Colloidal Silver maker that came along with my Godzilla, a Bob Beck type device. I was very happy with the Godzilla, I used the Blood purification application successfully and think the maker of the device was honorable and knowledgeable, therefore assumed that sufficient care had gone into the
Colloidal Silver maker. At the time (several years ago), I used the
Colloidal Silver maker only briefly I stopped because I was worried about the slightly bitter taste of it, as compared to the colloidal silver I had tasted from a friend who's colloidal silver maker had come from Sota instruments. I was not sure if it was because of the instruments or due to the water, he used distilled water and I used reverse osmosis water, which I find has a bit of a "strange" taste in itself.
In short, I would seriously like to start again making my own colloidal silver, and wonder if anyone can comment on the expected taste? Any concerns? What should I look out for?
Thanks in advance!