Re: Trickle Down Economics
Envision a lush and spongy mountainous region representing the rich, a large body of water and surrounding land below the mountain representing the middle class and a somewhat arid valley lying below the lake which is the poor.
The problem with that analogy is that you assume that the valley people know how to take care of the valley. They don't necessarily do this very well. Throwing rain (money) at them doesn't fix the problem. Do you throw money at your kids and expect your problems between you and them to go away? Consider that around 70% of lotto winners are flat broke within six months.
Regan wanted to balance the budget but the democrats had pretty good control of the house and senate. They followed Regan to a certain extent because Regan had a mandate. How can you say that trickle down didn't work when government revenue doubled after six years after the tax cuts? How can you not balance a budget after revenue doubles? We did increase spending on advanced weapons and the military. The democrats probably spent money in other ways like drunken sailors too. 'Congress spends money like a drunken sailor, but I never met a sailor with the imagination of Congress.' - Ronald Regan
"They can't answer my questions..., Resistance is futile."