I pust posted this below but I updated it and I thought it was too good to let it stay down there.
I think the model of trickle down economics works with all else being equal. The problem is that the U.S. has a trade deficit and some of the money slowly trickles away. It really moves away when we give money to the U.N. and various countries around the world. So we have "trickle over" or "trickle away" economics.
Bottom up economics is based on the Keynesian theory that says, "If you want to sitmulate aggregate demand, just put some dollars in the hands of the people." But where does this money from the government come from? It comes from taxpayers. If all of that tax money wasn't taxed, it would have been eventually spent on something anyway.
I believe that being poor is a mind set. Look at what the poor buy. Some buy drugs. They buy other things that they really don't need like cell phones. How about getting an old fashioned phone line and start up a savings plan for 10 years. Some of them buy rims. The rims on my car are not fancy at all.
So why blame the big companies? Liberals think the rich have taken the money away from the poor. They think it is a zero sum game. They are stuck in one dimentional thinking that wealth is generated from money. Think of it this way. If I went out and grinded up some stones and chopped down some trees and built a house from these materials myself, I didn't necessarily have to spend a dollar to do it.
"Curing the disease called liberalism...., Resistance is futile."
"Trickle down economics" worked so well under Ronald Reagan that we went from being the biggest creditor nation on earth to the biggest debtor nation on earth, while those living below the poverty level and the number of homeless increased by over 25%, real wages for the middle class fell and women began to be forced more and more to go to work to support their families.
Envision a lush and spongy mountainous region representing the rich, a large body of water and surrounding land below the mountain representing the middle class and a somewhat arid valley lying below the lake which is the poor. Most of the rainfall comes from water taken out of the lake, though some comes from the lush mountain and a tiny amount from the valley. The more equally the rain falls the better all three regions do. But if you divert rainfall to the mountain it soaks most of it up and less trickles down to replace the lost water in the lake and so the lake begins to dry up, just as the already arid valley does. Divert too much to the valley and the lake also dries up. The mountain becomes perhaps a bit less lush but continues to flourish. Now, if you take some of the rainfall to the valley and also irrigate the valley and make it productive, it also creates rain which is returned to all three areas. The key is making the lesser area productive and not taking too much of your rain for either the mountain or the valley.
Certainly it makes no sense to simply give money to able bodied people or to welfare baby makers, but neither is the answer to simply give more to the rich and let them and the big companies continue to plunder us. Stop outsourcing our jobs and factories, stop fighting wars of mass deception for big oil and the Halliburton war vultures, stop illegal immigration and the hiring of illegals and stop bailing out the international bankers and Wall Street gamblers, spend only as much as your revenues . . . and then you might see a strong economy based on real money again once we pay the price for past sins and the present bailout fiasco.
Envision a lush and spongy mountainous region representing the rich, a large body of water and surrounding land below the mountain representing the middle class and a somewhat arid valley lying below the lake which is the poor.
The problem with that analogy is that you assume that the valley people know how to take care of the valley. They don't necessarily do this very well. Throwing rain (money) at them doesn't fix the problem. Do you throw money at your kids and expect your problems between you and them to go away? Consider that around 70% of lotto winners are flat broke within six months.
Regan wanted to balance the budget but the democrats had pretty good control of the house and senate. They followed Regan to a certain extent because Regan had a mandate. How can you say that trickle down didn't work when government revenue doubled after six years after the tax cuts? How can you not balance a budget after revenue doubles? We did increase spending on advanced weapons and the military. The democrats probably spent money in other ways like drunken sailors too. 'Congress spends money like a drunken sailor, but I never met a sailor with the imagination of Congress.' - Ronald Regan
"They can't answer my questions..., Resistance is futile."
Envision a lush and spongy mountainous region representing the rich, a large body of water and surrounding land below the mountain representing the middle class and a somewhat arid valley lying below the lake which is the poor. Most of the rainfall comes from water taken out of the lake, though some comes from the lush mountain and a tiny amount from the valley. The more equally the rain falls the better all three regions do. But if you divert rainfall to the mountain it soaks most of it up and less trickles down to replace the lost water in the lake and so the lake begins to dry up, just as the already arid valley does. Divert too much to the valley and the lake also dries up. The mountain becomes perhaps a bit less lush but continues to flourish. Now, if you take some of the rainfall to the valley and also irrigate the valley and make it productive, it also creates rain which is returned to all three areas. The key is making the lesser area productive and not taking too much of your rain for either the mountain or the valley.
As I gave your analogy more thought, I found more flaws with it. For your analogy to be more realistic, you would have to introduce a god (government) that takes the rainfall from the top of the mountain and redistributes it to other areas. The money isn't falling out of the sky like rain. You know where it comes from. What is really happening is that the rainfall is being collected in the form of clouds (government) and is becoming larger than a hurricane because we are feeding it.
Class warfare. Political warfare. Religious warfare. International warfare. Economic warfare. Who do you think controls all of these? Nobody? They just happen at random?
Take off your hermeneutic glasses. They are making you see conspiracies everywhere. I am serious.
If it makes you feel better, I do agree that the NWO guys have pretty much secured the political arena of the higher levels. So what are you going to do about it? Going around and attempting to stifle conservatives is not going to help. I think you think that their power has permeated into the masses. I don't think they have as much control as you think.