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resistant bugs?
  Views: 5,467
Published: 17 y

resistant bugs?

Hi there,

I first discovered I had parasites 9 mos ago and since then its been all out war,
meds, herbs, ozone therapy, minerals, more meds and i'm convinced they are resistant to anything i throw down. It wouldn't be so bad except they've scattered to the brain and i'm afraid they are causing harm. i just finished some meds but to no avail, although i hear they work well after your finished.

I know theres the school of thought to do inbetween herbs and wonder if those herbs cross the blood brain barrier? would one wait when stuff is happening in the brain?
I'm just at a loss for what to do...does anyone know where i can buy those in-between herbs prepared already?
I'm also suspect that they are feeding on overgrowth of candida, which has been a problem for me in the past and flares up even more with all the meds i've taken.

any thoughts would be welcome,


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