Cancer Research Fraud in Plain Daylight
The results of a
Breast Cancer study of 110,000 Norwegian over a five-year period were published on 24 Nov 08 by epidemiologist H. Gilbert Welch, MD, of Dartmouth Medical School. The study compared two groups of women:
- One group had periodic mammograms.
- The other group did not have any mammograms.
The woman who had periodic mammograms, had 22% more invasive breast cancers than those who did not have any mammograms. Zahl PH, Mæhlen J, Welch HG. Arch Intern Med. 2008 Nov 24
This is a tremendous increase, way beyond statistically significant. The conclusion of the study was that both groups probably had the same number of cancers, but that 22% of the cancers spontaneously regressed for the group that did have periodic mammograms. The conclusion of the study, “This raises the possibility that the natural course of some screen-detected invasive breast cancers is to spontaneously regress.”
I sell hypnosis CDs the specific goal of which is to induce spontaneous remissions. You can check here. As much as I would love to support the published conclusion of this huge study I have to shout, HELLO? Dose anybody at Dartmouth Medical School have the gumption to state the obvious? Did anyone at Dartmouth Medical School ever hear about Dr. John Gofman, M.D., Ph. D. who was the biomedical director and associate director of the Atomic Energy Commission's Livermore National Laboratory and is now Professor Emeritus, Molecular and Cell Biology, at the University of California, Berkeley and is also on the faculty at the University of California Medical School at San Francisco (UCSF). He has written an extensive study to support his hypothesis that medical radiation, such as x-rays used in mammograms is probably the principal cause of cancer mortality in the United States?
It seems that the mammograms were at least partly responsible for this increase. The question to ask is why was this obvious possibility ignored?
I believe I can answer that questions. Mammograms are big business. Many conventional doctors and the American Cancer Society constantly push women to take regular mammograms. Can you imagine the lost of reputation, the scandal that would occur if it was shown that mammograms produce cancer in 22% of the women who had regular mammograms? I believe it has been shown.