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Re: An other one story with MMS
Jonsher_uk Views: 2,737
Published: 17 y
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Re: An other one story with MMS

You may have noticed there is a lot of mention of potassium Iodide on the Iodine forum. It can be taken in much higher amounts that iodine, in gram doses.
I havent got any SSKI so I've been using the lugols. It takes very little ascorbic acid crytals to convert it to Iodide and any extra you add is unaffected.

I've only tried about 20 drops like this so far in addition to the 8 drops without C
I take but I takes probably less than 50mg of vit C powder to convert the 20 drops to iodide. If more is added the C is unaffected. There is no burning sensation even in a 100 ml of water so no irritation it seems. I'm not sure what happens to the Iodide but it could become iodine, Potassium Iodide or maybe sodium iodide inside the body. using SSKI on top of the
lugols dose would be preferable but I can't get it easily in the uk and haven't bought any yet.

I'm trying to find more info on it's effect against pathogens but it appears to have been used successfully against chest infections, staph and fungal infections so it may be comparable to Miracle-Mineral-Supplement only without the irritation and of course the extra benefits of the iodine.
MMS of course is cheaper in effective doses but it's toxicity is a problem


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