Re: Iodine dosing for cancer
Seems that everyone I know is being diagnosed with "cancer" or "pre cancerous cells" these days. Especially young people.
Very good advice is... stop going to the western doctor who is simply a pills salesman, and start supplementing with
Iodine to toleration.
Some ideas: Start with 2 drops in water daily and increase as you can. Take the companion nutrients magnesium and selenium along with
Iodine daily. Use a zapper, preferably copper handles and use on either side of the abdomen daily. Take lots of bromelain to chow through dead
parasites and fungus. Add Olive leaf extract to the mix.
Know that doctor visits and cancer diagnoses are positively related. "Cancer" is a business. Don't accept the diagnosis. Assume you might have a
parasite and fungus issue instead.
Do your own brainwashing, and brainwash yourself healthy instead of doctors trying to brainwash you sick. Do this at night with your eyes closed and in the dark. You can heal yourself :-)