Mexicans are the fastest growing minority and MH is right they are doing all the labor intensive jobs. They have moved to small towns all over America and their presence is being felt by the local communitites and governments. Where I live used to be 90% white, but now we have seen a huge increase in the Mexican/SPanish population. In fact, on my street we have about 4 homes that were once owned by retired cops, now owned by Mexican/Spanish people. Also, 2 of the homes are occupied by more than 1 family our street resembles a parking lot at night. As most of them work during the day and only need a place to sleep and eat. However, one thing I noticed is that allot of Mexicans do not go to college, but rather learn a trade and work most of their life. Well, I went to college and honestly speaking don't remember a damn thing. I learned mostly on the job, and now own my own business. Nonetheless, I agree with MH on the state of affairs and the direction our country is headed.