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Economy, by MH
MH 108 Views: 1,171
Published: 17 y

Economy, by MH

Seems car dealerships are fewer. Reasturants are closing. Factories dissapearing. Those with stocks lost upwards of 2/3rds of their investments.

Vehical Gas has 49 cents per gallon state tax and is now selling for $1.58 a gallon, 1/2 what they were getting not too long ago.


The governments 100% control all oil flow.

No doubt, the governments 100% control the stock markets world wide.

I 100% believe most wars after 1900 were 100% created by a few families world wide as a method to eliminate the strong men on this earth that could uprise against these families. These families supplied arms to all sides of the wars and controlled the outcome world wide. Cold Wars are nothing but "fear" factors of controlling the slaves.

"select" families send their kids to special war schools; these supply the rats that fly chem trails world wide and spray down chemicals upon the nations.

Select families have children that work for the cities that put he poisons in the water. Select families own the companies and all companies are 100% controlled by the governments, or face penalities known as "taxation" until they are broken.

It takes special people to raise their children to poison the masses, which includes babies, pregnant women, etc...all of which equals the greatest sins on earth......the "super" rich few that orhastrates this game, uses "fake" $$$$$$$ to control the ones who have no morals, no values of any kind and live their lives against God. In exchange, these evil ones have the most expensive homes in every city, have city/government jobs and the local judges allow them to get away with murder. Every day of their lives they become more and more evil, more and more lazy. They have no problem putting innocent people in prison or killing babies/elderly in ever hospital.

In fact:
"IF" you believe "you" own countries, then you know, $$$$ is 100% worthless. $$$ was designed to control slaves, nothing more. You don'tjudge your wealth by how much fake $$$$ your country has, "you" measure your wealth by how well you managed your slaves...........

The slave, or lets say, public educated people; are trained to live and breath for $$$$. They can be lead around like puppies on a chain as long as they believe/trust in government $$$$.

In such a theory

A country owner has no use for:

too many male babies, just like all dairy farmers have no use for male calves.

No use at all for non productive humans of any age.

No use for the sickly.

No use for those that are strong enough to organize and rise up against the owners.

All good farmers spray their cows, vaccinate their cows, supplement their cows and slaughter all that is counter productive. The governments are owned/operated on the same theory and all the evil people willing to sell their souls in exchange for $$$$ line up for such jobs.

MANAGEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! William Branham called it; "Organization". The monks that put together the Bible 2,000 years ago warned all humans world wide about the dangers of MANAGEMENT!

The economy as far as $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ goes world wide, is 100% controlled by the ones that say how much $$$$ to print. "They" decide what races starve and what races live. "They" make the poisons that wipes out entire generations of people based on their race/sex/religion.

The Mason Government has 1 theory, say 100% the opposite of what you believe in. The day they stated all are equal regardless of race/religion/sex is the day only the fools believed it. Each and every year leads towards CONTROL. The MORE CONTROL, the more the undesirable people will be slaughtered. A few people decide how many of each race lives and who does what. World leaders are pons, they sold their souls long ago, willing to murder in exchange for power. They are the CEO of each stock market (country) following the orders of you should die and who should live.

What is thriving in todays american economy???? Hospitals! All americans making less than X amount of $$$$ have basically free hospitalization, even though the government years ago stated on TV that welfare would be reduced. IN FACT, welfare became the tool to guide the slaves.

Every city has new hospitals poping up, they "know" they will be supplied wth plenty of customers. THEY KNOW IN ADVANCE! A single chem trail jet could murder virtualy all life on a given country if so desired. They vaccinate from the air, they seek to control all with their supreme air power.

Today we have no marches in the streets.
We have no burning of cities.
The protest are gone, because the people have secumbed to free welfare.

The working class, supports the non working class. All have been dumb founded with chemicals form the air/food/water.

The few that believe they own this earth, has this idea that the slaves only are good till about age 40, then they are not as productive. These few, love their yahts, their seclusive Islands, their mega buildings, etc.... and the white man, no longer has the advantage, in fact, they are seen more as the enemy to the rich. The white man tends to live too long and doesn't accept being a slave as easy.

America was built with slaves, it has always been the new Europe. Factories years ago killed men by the thousands. For each one that died on the job, the forman went out on the street and hired a new one. In the steel making industry, you may have died on your first day of work and become part of American Steel. Depending on your race, you were a mud worker or prostitute, etc..and always lived on the wrong side of the tracks. America was always the European Catholic Nation that slaughtered all land owners and claimed the country in the name of the Pope/King.

Slaves were based on being a non white euro. Things have changed. The super rich, now like the brown people. They don't like those poor white men that can fall in love with the rich daughters. The rich don't like those white people who became self made millionairs and started buying homes their their children and seeking to inter marry.

The super rich created religion, they created the $$$$ systems, they created slavery and they have the power of their children flying chem trail jets and their children running cities and their children setting behind every bench, to make sure the system never fails. These rich people in America, don't want white people as workers anymore. You have seen the white workforce being replaced from coast to coast in the past 30 years.

In fact, you can go in most any state and see little Mexico Springing up. From the Florida road gangs, orange pickers, to most all american hotels and restaurants. Find a rich mans neighborhood and you find truck loads of Mexican people with rakes and shovels willing to make everything look pretty. Go in any factory and see who comes in to reservice the floors, take out the asbestos, etc...basically any dirty job and odds are, they are Mexicans.

Big cities have large Mexican neighborhoods. Many smaller towns have been 100% purchased by Mexicans and all the store names in Mexican.

Does the governments want SMART PEOPLE that seek many years of higher education and willing to work 72 hours every week???? Certainly, to a degree of their usefulness. Are any race smarter than the other? Odds are no, humans are easily trained when given proper nourishment and more back to NATURE a human is, with nice large square jaws and large ears and large noses, etc....actually the smarter that person could be over the poluted over worked human.

These elite few families are so imbred, so toxic, so disturbed with evil influences, that they have reached a point where they seek to control man's lifespan more and more. Once they could spray us all from the air, they started their campains starting with INDIA and all people who knew how to live long lives, etc..and started managing this earth's population; they in fact, became the farmers. No longer did they need war as much, today, they cna control from the air/water/food, just as the Bible Monks predicted they would.

Today, most all races are not desired by these rich people, except, Mexicans. Mexican people have been harmed for so many years in this North American Invasion of Europe, that they seem to be some of the hardest working people, willing to do work few others would do for 3x the $$$$. I am not sure why the American Indians were not chosen as slaves, it may be they were like the songs use to say; TOO PROUD.

It is suggested, that back in 1992, the decison was made for man's longevity to be reduced to age 40 and when they came about, the Mexican Race was chosen as the new American Slave.

The whites and the blacks kicked up too many problems, they didn't like being "controlled". World War I and II was created to reduce the strong of these races and leave the weak.

America Today, is a rich home, with several Mexican workers. The upper class. The middle class is dieing as fast as a fading fad. The rich are doing this via the economy, the FAKED economy. Anyone believe the stock market, believe the news, believe any of the crap about the federal treasury, etc...are in a fairly land of make believe $$$$$$. $$$$ world wide is as worthless as the people who push buttons to make it.

We have allot of rich people that are too stupid to manufacture anything, they really own ZERO, because another person made everything they possess.....These rich people have a trick, they created $$$$ system, as a way they could be the lazy goose in life and let others do all their work.

The working man owns this world, but they are too inslaved to know better. The day man made the plane, was the day the working man lost the war. All humans working way too hard, for way too little $$$ rathure they be Mexican or have 8 years college education; all are slaves to a worthless system of fake $$$ that lets worthless people spend their lives in luxory. These same rich people are destroying the USA by design, just like they have been destroying countries for the past 90 years in an attempt to reduce the population of undesirable humans and tear down the old to make way for the new.

Humans are so hooked on $$$$, that those with just enough $$$ to live on, will often turn their backs on those less fortunet and that is why we have hundreds of thousands of homeless people today in the USA. Serving the rich is the largest growing sector of employment.




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