I wonder what was in your order
I wonder if there are some things Humaworm, Inc. can't yet make, and had to put orders aside, hoping to fill them in the near future.
I notice that they have tried to notify customers when the order was shipped, for quite a long time after they restarted production...but that some more recently have been sent without that notification.
I would think that would be an economy of staff time and effort...probably sorely needed.
One of the foundations of Humaworm has always been communication. They have taken the time to speak directly to their customers...answer questions and smooth concerns.
I noticed that R.G.'s posts, here, became shorter and shorter, even before the fire, unless someone asked a brand new question, or was deeply confused. His personal conversations by email must have been huge!
I know for a fact that he has kept confidences too sensitive in the customer's mind for a bulletin board.
All that had to stop, of course, with the fire. Humaworm's beautiful personal service, likely unique in all the world, came to an end...they didn't even have a computer, let alone the records of all the personal conversations R.G. and Silvia had with individual clients...except memory.
Perhaps some people's orders, and wishes, had to wait until there was stock and personel to handle them.
Personally, even with my years of experience in 'business', I would have crumbled with the weight of the task...especially as the smoke rose over my dreams...or, as new staff asked questions...or as emails piled up into the thousands...emails I wanted to read and answer, but didn't have time.
So, could it be possible that R.G. had to hold on to some orders, until they could be filled, and didn't even have the time to tell the customers about it? Or that someone else began some kind of a system, and forgot? Or that some orders went up in smoke?
Or that delayed orders are the ones that went missing in postal delivery, as many do in any case, and Sylvia's telephones were melted...along with all of her notes, files, and record books...and she was now tackling the whole re-ordering of stock, as well as the personal needs of her family...like plates for them to eat from??? ...And blankets and sheets for their beds? ...And warm clothing and new workboots? ...And their laundry?
Someday, when the dust settles, I'd like to sit at their feet on a warm starry evening on their front porch, and write their stories...bestsellers, all.