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Re: "Not gallstones" Dr Blonz is a med quack!
parazapper Views: 5,005
Published: 17 y
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Re: "Not gallstones" Dr Blonz is a med quack!

>- Q. So please educate us all on how and why all these stones are soft?

They are not all soft, and they are not all green. There are frequently smaller off-white stones that are harder and that are ignored because people are impressed with the brighter larger green stones.

>- Q. So please educate us on why these stones float and why there is food particles in something that supposedly came from the liver and/or gallbladder?

The green stones float because they are formed from oil which is lighter than water. The real stones are often smaller and harder to see, therefore ignored.

>- Q. Please educate us and tell us why and how these stones dissolve while real ones do not?

Anything will dissolve under the right conditions. Gold is impervious to being dissolved in most acids or alkalies but it can be dissolved in mercury and in aqua regia. Gall stones can be dissolved in some acids such as ursodeoxycholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid (both of which are in bile).

>- Q. Please educate us on how a gallstone 5 times or larger than the tunnel it needs to pass through can do so?

Have you ever seen how big a newborn baby is relative to the birth canal? Yes, if there are large gall stones, it can be painful and I have heard many stories of severe pain. The objective of flushing is to remove the stones before they get too large. Also, once many smaller stones are removed, the larger stones may be more easily dissolved by the bile.

>- Q. Please educate us on how you can get more stones out of something than it is capable of holding? And on a repeated basis? And still survive?

Once again, it is conceeded that the green stones are mostly from the oil that is consumed. It is the lighter colored, harder stones that are usually brought out along with the so called soap stones.

>- material acquired from these very boards and nowhere else

Not everything posted on these forums is legitimate or reliable (hence the disclaimers).

In the end, you are looking at the chaffe and not at the wheat. Since I started selling zappers in 2001, I have had hundreds of customers tell me about their flushing experiences. The flushes do work, but not usually on the first time. I have heard of customers flushing 30 or 40 times before they had a real breakthrough with a pan full of real stones.



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