I grant you that common sense and the preponderance of evidence says that the floating "stones" that are expelled are mostly made up of the ingredients taken for the flush and were formed in the body due to the flush. What goes in must come out after all.
This is just an assumption and if the so called soap is formed by mostly the oil in the standard flush why have many including myself flushed these floating stones without using any oil whatsoever! And what about the many people who did the local experiment using beet juice to dye the oil before consuming and no red colored floating stones appeared ! These people have no proof with their medquack studies?
These people support the quack Stephan Barrets claims, the guy who is up on RICO charges and tries to make a living suing alternative health care practitioners having everyone of his cases thrown out of court! I am certain we have two brand mew medtrolls on this forum, who appeared out of no where never posted anywhere else at curezone and like all other medtrolls in the past ignore all other evidence except that which is supplied by the medical/pharmico industry!