Re:Iodine and C....
Here my post from this past winter;
Its been a while since I've been on Cure Zone, almost 3 months now. Let me present a little background info. In the month of October I had worked up to 1 gram per day of Iodine/Iodide/KI usually a combination of Iodoral, Lugols, KI tablets 130 mgs each. Some days 1.2 grams other days 900 mg. I was feeling on top of the world and ready for new challenges.
Then it began, TRAVEL. First from the Russian Far East to Milan, Milan to The Hauge, Hauge to Kagiztatian ( Almonte) back to Milan, Milan to Houston and A month in the States, Texas to NJ and points in between. Then back to Russian Far East, moved twice in 4 week period, with 1 wife, 5 cats, a rabbit and a Guinea Pig.
Then it hit the fan, had I been keeping up on all my supplements, eating right, drinking enough water every day, hey I'm a former member of Uncle Sams Misguided Children I don't need no stinking Supplements, Good Food, and Water. Wrong oh' Wrong.
Bam!! right between the eyes; Bronchial Pneumonia overnight the Coughing, whezzing, Fever, I even strained an ab muscle form coughing so hard. The clinc doc wanted to put me in the Hospital and pump me full of Antibiotics like he was already doing to 10 or 12 others. No thanks Doc, I'll take care of it myself. He then begged my wife to convince me too listen, he even told her it could kill me. She knew it futile too try, but asked me if the insurance was paid up, just in case.LOL
I went home a grabbed a big jar of Vit C, and headed for work. Half the staff was already out sick. I began to take a couple of grams of C, every hour or so, nothing was happening and I was feeling like hell.
I finally got internet access, did some fast research and discovered that I should really be slamming the C.
I began taking 5 grams every 30 minutes, ( C peaks in the blood 20 minutes after absorption) I continued well past the bowel tolerence ( mine was 25 grams) to 50 grams. Lucky for me my office was close to the head. I did start to feel better and the fever seemed to break. I went home an slept for a few hours until the racking cough started up. Honey and lemon were not helping the cough. I was standing at the counter cough my a-- off, when I looked over an spotted the Iodoral sitting there. Something I had read in past pushed into my brain, about Iodine being a Mucous fighter. I grabbed a handful, literally, maybe 15 or 20 tabs an slugged them down. Within minutes I felt my chest relax and I stopped coughing. I grabbed some more honey and slept for 4 or 5 hours.
When I woke up I felt 50% better than the day before. I downed 5 grams of C and went off to work, taking the iodoral with me. 1 hour after taking the C I downed 100 mg of Iodoral, then after an hour 5 grams of C, then 100 iodoral. I continued this until I had 30 grams of C and 600 mg of Iodoral. I actually ate something an slept for 10 hours straight.
The second day I repeated the same routine. I got hungry and ate Lunch and Dinner, and sept like the proverbial rock.
The third day I cut back to 20 grams of C and 400mg Iodoral by this time I was 95% Recovered. The fourth day to 15 g of C and 300 of Iodoral.
I did try Lugols several time but did not get the same relief as Iodoral from coughing.
I visited the clinc to let the Doc know I was cured, after the third day. He didn't belive it, and scoffed when I told him I used C and Iodine. He insisted on checking my breathing and lungs- surprise all clear. He stated that 70% of the people he saw with the Pneumonia where in the hospital for 4-5 days and out of work for 2+ weeks. The remainder who were not hospitaliized where getting daily antibiotic shots and pills.
I'm still on 15g C and 300 Iodoral/Lugols daily and have added back in my other supplemets. I feel great, where as others have been suffering for weeks, first with the pneumonia, then with the after effects of the antibiotics.
Futher reasearch has shown that the cure to Asthma and Bronchitis was 1-2 grams per day of Potassium Iodide (KI). I gave some Iodoral to someone who claimed to have Broncial Asthma. I instructed her to take 4 ( 50 mgs) 3 X per day, after a week she came as asked for more, stating that she had not felt so good since she was a child. I'm going to give her a bottle of lugols for her and her family. They live down wind of a coal fired hot water plant, and I'm 1000% sure its the cause of her asthma and the cronic sickness of her children.
That all from the RFE for now, its -25C and sunny on a Saturday afternoon and I'm heading out to grab some Vit A.
Semper Fi, Bill