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Doesn't sound like herpes to me..
Hugo Views: 2,019
Published: 16 y
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Doesn't sound like herpes to me..

It's not common for a herpes outbreak to last that long. I suspect it's something else. If you have active symptoms, a doctor should be able to take a swab sample and run a culture on it. Be sure that it's a type-specific culture. Since this has been going on for that long, a blood test could also show whether you've got herpes of either type, but it doesn't tie it to a specific area like a culture would.

Get it checked out so you can get whatever it is treated and so you'll have some peace of mind about it, too. You might also run this past the folks over at
in the "Support" forum. They seem to know their stuff and have some nurses on the board there.

Good luck


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