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Can large flukes be seen on ultrasound?
Superman Views: 16,856
Published: 21 y
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Can large flukes be seen on ultrasound?

Hello everybody, I am new to this forum. I have recently discovered that the cause of all my health problems are from Sheep liver flukes. I have been finding bits and pieces of them in my stool and brought them to the emergency room. After being laughed at, The dotor sent the container to the lab and it came negative for parasites. Last night I drank Epsom Salts and water with liquid garlic and took a coffee enama with Epsom Salts and garlic. One hour later a past a whole sheep liver fluke intact. It looked a little beat up after going through my intestines, but my family members easily recognized it from some fluke photos that I placed next to it. I brought it to the emergency room and from 6 feet away the woman doctor told me, "I'm sorry honey, but that is stool". I can't believe my ears, I feel like I am living in the Twilight Zone. The dotor also sent this container to the lab. She ordered me to have an ultrasound on Monday at 9:00 AM and told me to fast before the procedure. Do you think they will be able to see these flukes living in my bile ducts? If you can see a babies penis on an ultrasound then why not flukes. I am not crazy and I don't like being laughed at by doctors. Please help me if you can. THANK YOU

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