Re: Its a good start.
OK, so define excessive income as what it really is - distribution of profits beyond any value of actual labor, and/or define income as the exchange of money or other considerations up to a reasonable amount and then tax the rest progressively as the hidden distribution of profits it really is.
Fine with me if you exclude taxes on food, housing, clothing, transportation, energy, etc. - probably best done with tax rebates on such items up to a certain amount. Otherwise, sales taxes are quite fair - those that consume the most pay the most taxes.
Trying to retroactively deport tens of millions of people would lead to violence on a huge scale. Best to move that date far foward, even if all the way to the present, and give them a choice to become citizens AND swear fealty to our constitution. Perhaps limit any family they can bring over, and then clamp down resolutely on any future illegal immigration.
I stand by my opinions on restricting births to those who can afford to care for their children. No tests for IQ or other characteristics - those will pretty much take care of themselves with the means test for welfare mothers.