Every time I spoke out against Obama, I was attacked for being a racist. anti-abortion, among many other things, by people who do not even know me...
Every time I spoke out against McCain, I was attacked for being any number of things from anti-Christian to being unconcerned about national security, again, primarily by people who do not even know me
Exactly. As Slick Willie would say, "I feel your pain."
People fail to see that their choice does not have to come down to choosing the lesser of two evils, which is not really a choice at all considering that both evils are controlled by the same evil group and have been for many election cycles. Unless we listen to and choose people like some of those on your list, the only choice we are making is to continue down the same ruinous path that has been eroding our liberties and giving more and more power and wealth to the elite who want to enslave us all.