17 y
No Bailout for Druggies...
Let's be consistent. ALL drugs should be outlawed. Not just a select few. Just say no, remember?
This pot thing is a fraud and a distraction. If you were really concerned about drugs and the affect on society you would end the legalization of alcohol. Alcohol is a horribly destructive drug. All drugs should be banned.
Alcohol addiction destroys the fabric of society. It tears down families, causes heart rendering anguish for the victims of DUI fatalities and injuries, and is a blight on mankind. It costs billions of dollars in litigation and medical payments for treatments in addiction programs and injuries sustained by alcoholism.
Just say no to all drugs. This whiney society is full of bankrupt minds. "Oh please, we demand to have our drugs. We just need our drugs. We need them. It makes us want to be disconnected, so we can escape our pain and victimhood. We live on this horrible planet and drugs will save us from dealing with this punishment. We deserve an escape. Please Mr Soros, please save us."
We don't need no bail out for no pot heads and druggies. George Soros, you, and your puppets, are swine.