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Re: Some advice would be much appreciated!
BlueRose Views: 1,358
Published: 17 y
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Re: Some advice would be much appreciated!

Wow! You got into a serious relationship way too young, IMO. What exactly do you mean when you say you "think" it's debt? Either you're in debt or you're not---which is it?

Why are you putting up with a freeloading boyfriend? You seem to think your only choices are to stay with him and tough it out or move back in with your parents. You do have another option, you know. That option is to no longer live with him and get your own place. If that's too pricey (living by yourself), you could get a roommate. Should this option not be affordable, you should just move back in with your parents. You don't have to stay forever (so to speak)---just long enough to get out of debt. After your debts are paid, you can start anew. BTW, consider yourself fortunate that your parents will allow you to move back in while you get your act together.

You're still young and have a lot of life ahead of you. So dump the freeloader and take time to regroup.


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