HI.....I had the paragard for ten years prior to the mirena. My periods were regular but very heavy and lasted 6-7 days (very heavy for 2-3 of those days). I only had the mirena for 3 months before having it removed. It's been out for 3 months and I'm still battling horrific side-effects....the worst being muscle aches/joint pain and extreme hairloss. I believe I am currently experiencing the crash as some of the old side-effects have returned.....nausea, brain-fog, and depression. Hopefully it will pass once I start my period. Anyways, I had a paragard put back in once the mirena was removed and have had the new paragard for 3 months. I've had two periods on it. The first was typical of my old paragard periods...long and heavy. The most recent was only 4 days with one very heavy day and the rest of the days avg. or light. I've never had a period that short or light since before I had children....17 years ago. I'm anxious to see what this next one will be like. But, I will gladly take a heavy long period over the synthetic hormone side-effects any day! I will never and I repeat NEVER take any type of hormonal birth control ever again. My body has been through hell the past 6 months. I never had any health issues prior to this....