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Questions about cleansing...
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Questions about cleansing...

Hey you guys,

I am really excited to have found this website! I have been suffering with crazy health problems for almost four years now and I am in great need of help. First I will try to recap my story:

Actually, I've had IBS since age fifteen. Insomnia and frequent vaginal yeast infections plagued me throughout college. I could eat and eat and eat and never gain weight --all my girlfriends hated me!

However, just after my 24th birthday I came down with chronic fatigue, and my digestion problems worsened. I kept losing and losing weight until I looked like a concentration camp victem, and I had zero energy. Seemed I developed an allergy to just about every food there was. I started gaining weight back after an Elimination Diet and systematially adding foods back into my diet. I learned I was NOT allergic to (most) vegatables, white rice, fruit, and chicken.

So after a few months I was almost 100 pounds again, but then my foot swelled up one day and I had to be on crutches for an entire year. The doctors had no clue what was causing my foot to be swollen and purple. ( I broke it in high school, so it was a weak part of my body).

After moving to California for four months to see a certain wholistic doctor who did NAET treatments (an acupuncture technique that helps alot of people get rid of allergies), I started seeing a different doctor when I wasn't making any progress. This doctor found that my foot problem was due to a candida overgrowth.

As SOON as I stopped eating white rice and fruit, I was able to THROW AWAY the crutches!!! It took a few months of eating only chicken and vegatables while taking antifungals with psyllium and Bentonite twice a day before my foot problem was a complete thing of the past. When I moved back to Minnesota to live with my boyfriend and two cats again, I suddenly couldn't even tolerate RAW veggies anymore.

However, the strict candida diet caused me to loose weight again. I got down to 93 pounds until my body went into this strange mode of storing any fat I put into my mouth, no matter how little. Since last February I have been gaining and gaining weight. I am now 110 lbs. (Even though I was 115 pounds before all the illness hit, I look chubbier now than I did back then; it's quite peculiar!)

Unfortunately, I have been having on and off liver pain since last March, and I also feel some faint stress going on in my kidneys as well.

Last spring I was doing a lot of yoga, and taking lots of psyllium/bentonite/Grapfruit Seed Extract shakes, and continuing the low carb diet --whatever is inside me would feed off of even too many VEGETABLES at the time!

A month later I was able to tolerate raw veggies again. By late June alot of my allergies cleared up and I was able to eat grains and legumes again. I could even handle some sweets if it was natural sweetners like rice syrup, barley malt, maple syrup or even honey --however once I allowed myself to eat these foods I would crave them, so they must have still had some effect over me.) I had energy to excercize again, although no matter how much I excercized, I could never gain back any of the muscle mass my body canabalized during starvation.

At the end of summer something happened. Maybe it was getting laid off from a job. Maybe it was eating too many sweets. Maybe it was the coffee I had foolishly picked up the week before. Or the pizza (the first time I had allowed myself to eat wheat --not to mention REFINED, and dairy in about two or three years) I just don't know. But I relapsed.

And since then I have slowly been going downhill again! I now have been having liver pain again for the past two months and my appetite is HORRIBLE. (It used to be low in 2001, but since 2002, I can barely eat a thing. Even so, I am gaining weight at a rapid weight, and continue to do so. It actually feels really uncomfortable whenever I eat fats. I feel like my body doesn't know how to digest them, so immediatly stores them instead.) I am desperate.

I just saw a wholistic doctor who was highly recommended to me who told me that I have a parasitic infection in my blood. He said any fungal infection has long since been starved out. But he also mentioned that I have some heavy metal or chemical poisoning (from my paints, probably, since I am an artist.) So he started me out with chinese Wormwood . Two weeks later he switched me to Black-Walnut hull.

It's interesting that I became chronically ill about five months after getting a cat (who had a Tapeworm when I got her) and about a month after she had 5 kittens in my closet. It was also only nine months after meeting my boyfriend. (Yes, he is still with me if you can believe it. He's known me nine months "healthy", and over three years sick!!!)

I think that this new doctor may be good, however I want to make sure that the parasite cleansing I do is going to be the best one out there that I will see RESULTS from! He is having me go at a real slow pace right now because he says it's better to go slowly. But I want to see some RESULTS!

Currently, I am pretty much addicted to Grapefruit Seed Extract Psyllium and Bentonite shakes. My tolerance to Grapefruit-Seed-Extract has increased over the year and I now require 250 drops twice a day. When I eat too many carbs, I immediately feel the little critters gaining control inside me and I will wash it all down with a Grapefruit-Seed-Extract shake and instantly feel a sense of relief. It kills them all off before they can feast.

The problem is that the Bentonite in the shake turns my bowels to concrete, and I am constipated all the time. I am unable to get a Grapefruit-Seed-Extract shake down without the bentonite because the bentonite neutrilizes the HORRID bitter taste of 250 drops of GSE!!! Isn't cleansing parasites a complete waste of time if you're constipated?

I am planning on ordering a few bottles of Clarkia for my boyfriend, me and the kitties (we have two, Miss Scarlet and her son, Ludwig) to hop on, however I want to make sure my pipes are flowing first! But If I don't take my 500 drops of GSE a day I am toast.

Any suggestions??? I am hoping the Clarkia will have that "instant relief" that GSE gives me. So far, the chinese Wormwood and the Black-Walnut hull this doctor has given me have not had any noticeable affect on me. (Although he says that they are working on my blood, on the deeper level, whereas the GSE works only on the surface level: the stomache and intestines, etc.)

One more question: My body is very sensitive to my diet. I eat incredibly "healthy" food: veggies, whole grains, poultry, tofu, olive oil. But it seems any amount of grains or complex carbs gives me a parasite reaction. Are these parasite cleanses supposed to work even if you are not always perfect on your diet? Are all of you on a strict diet as well? It seems pointless to kill them if they just are going to feed on the food you eat anyway.

If my boyfriend does Clarkia with me, and he continues his horrid diet of frozen pizzas, commercial cereal with milk, and junk food, is he going to be able to clear the parasites? (he will NOT alter his diet for the world.)

ONE MORE QUESTION! (I promise this is the end of this long-winded message!) Should we abstain from oral sex and kissing while on the cleanse? Hulda Clark AND this website mentioned that you are 100% guarenteed to get the parasites transmitted back to you if you do.

But I don't hear anyone talking about actually doing this. Should I be doing this?

THANK YOU to anyone who is actually still reading this long letter. I promise my future postings will not be so novel-esk, I just wanted to share my history with everyone so they understand where I am coming from.

Thank you for any support,
Mlle. Scarlet.



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