Re: I long to be on the stable shore
I have a step daughter who sounds just like you. The problem with her is that she could never take the responsibility of herself and the way she feels and acts. It was always someone else and how they contributed to her eventual demise. She had an attitude that even if it wasn't tried, it wouldn't work. She didn't want to go to school, work or anything. She even said at one point that it would be better if she found a boyfriend but they are all users and only want her for one thing. She wanted us to leave her alone and let her live yet in doing that she would not contribute at all what so ever in the home even though she wanted to be treated as an adult and let her do what she wants. We would not relent to letting someone live under our roof, use everything we own, constantly berate us for their problems and issues that they are not willing to try and figure out for themselves. It caused so many problems in the end that we made her move out and actually live like she wanted us to let her live. Two years later she has realized what she was doing and the world does not revolve around her. She knows the value of employment and an education because no one would hire her until she re-enrolled into school. She was outright told that if she can't even do something as simple as attend school why would they want to hire her for work. This really opened her eyes because that is exactly what we told her would happen but what do we know anyways? It's not like we were there once.
I agree with the question asking if you have done anything for your parents. I do not agree with the fact you feel they should haul you out of bed for something you should be doing on your own already. Where's your independence? Where's your respect for them and more importantly yourself? You may feel they have none for you and the question to be asked is should they? You don't attend school it sounds like you do not have a job and the daily routine is to hang out with mutual people who do not want to go to school or work either. You have said that this does not satisfy you either and you want to find a girlfriend but they are all "slutty" and you "hook up" a lot. Again, consider your acquaintances and remember the old saying "birds of a feather flock together" as well as "it takes one to know one".
Have you asked yourself what exactly are you looking for? It sounds like you want a very satisfied life handed to you on a silver platter and it will not happen until you turn yourself around and do things for yourself because you have to. Everyone on this planet has to do something themselves and that includes picking up you feet and living the life you want. No one will do it for you and to assume they would is ridiculous and a fantasy.
I suggest start going back to school or getting a job for yourself so that you can see there is more to life than taking from others and expecting it if it is not offered. I hope you turn your life around for the better it saddens me to see that more and more people are like this. Quit blaming the environment, your parents, your friends and girls and start asking yourself the important life changing questions you need to.