Well, this is unfortunate for your vacation fun, but I ask you to look at it in another light.. What you may seem to be forgetting, is that is this is likely a huge step in strengthening your health! Your body seems to be going through a long cleansing crisis, which you are obviously lengthening by continuing to do things to detox further. This is great for your body.- but if you want the crisis to end, you would need to stop trying to detox so much and just drink water and let ur body a rest. another Liver Flush might help as well. But going to the sauna, getting colonics, and everything is helping your body continue with is cleansing and healing. Your liver and body are taking on a great deal of extra work and thats why your so sensitive and still feel like your sick or DETOXING! Give your body rest and time. continuing the cleanse would be even greater for your health, but if comfort is more important right now (since it is your vacation), then just rest! lay out on a beach with a tall glass of ice water and nap!!