Re: Vegan child with "pimples"?
I know that it's just as easy to get
parasites on a vegan diet - sometimes more so because our food isn't destroyed with fumes and toxins that would otherwise run the buggers off. It could easily be something they picked up - like a
parasite (even micro) or fluoride congestion (?)
Have you tried dry brushing and putting your child in a
Sea Salt tub? That'll help no matter what. It could also be easily explained by a
food allergy (it's reasonable they're allergic to night shades or something). Can you eliminate common food allergen veggies for a bit and see if that clears it up? In the meantime, I'd do the dry brushing for sure. Children can absolutely
parasite cleanse and should - they pick up a lot of yucky stuff being a kid. If your child has ANY other symptoms that have shown up since the rash - those could really help figure the puzzle out. Are they having night sweats all of a sudden? Insomnia? Irritability, frustration beyond normal, slightly distended belly, itchy rectum, etc.