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Re: Bi-Polar & Unsuccessful Fasting Attempts... a connection?
fasting2goal Views: 1,587
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Re: Bi-Polar & Unsuccessful Fasting Attempts... a connection?

Ahhh, I wish I could say it was someone in my immediate family, but they are all very supportive. I am what some might consider very withdrawn, I have a handful of friends, true friends. And I socialize very well, but tend to be standoffish when it comes to first meeting someone in person. I like to get a feel for them before actually placing my thoughts and opinions on the line. I've always been very versatile, and able to meld into any situation... but I also feel that comes from trying to fit in as a child and never really fitting in at all. (childhood issues is a whole other topic, post, forum)

I wish I could say it was someone in my life, then I could just kick them to the curb, lol... so to speak. But reading and researching as much as I do on varied topics, my "symptoms" are right on. The down days are only apparent to me once I have come out of the fog. Sometimes, I do not even know what I have done or said, or reacted to, until it has already been done and its to late to take it back. Or if I do see it happening, its a "I do not care, it doesn't matter, why am I trying" type of thought.

I may have been off my mark thinking that when I go into these slumps, it throws me out of my mentality I have worked so hard at to stay with my fasting. But I have to say, even when I would break a fast prematurely, it was very seldom (but not always) a binge or junk foods, usually just fruits or veggies.

Do you think it is possible to lose sight of our intentions towards fasting when one falls into a slumber of the mind?

One last thing. I am not relying on only a doctors opinion, as I stated I have done A LOT of research on Bi-Polar over the last couple of years, and I fit the glove, unfortunately. Actually, my first indications that "something" was wrong, was when I attempted to physically hurt my children's father because he said he did not like the dinner I cooked... good thing he was military and knew how to defend his self :|
He told me then that I was nuts, or possessed or both. sigh. And so it has carried on for the past 14 years.

I hope that I can stay in good spirits long enough to come to some understanding of how to deal with this, but usually if I disappear for quite some time, that's a bad sign.


Thank you for your reply, and help/opinions/thoughts are welcome.


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