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Re: Some Questions Please
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Re: Some Questions Please

Milk thistle is great. Put me to sleep though so I never used it. Try it - see how it goes for you.

The right side pain will be off and on for quite a while. The liver wasn't meant to process solids or even slightly coagulated stuff. So when the bugs and debris start passing it hurts a bit. Plus as the debris from the cellular cleaning starts piling up in the liver you'll feel that also.

To this day I'll get a pain in the liver every now and then and I know something else has cleaned from the cells and is presenting itself to the liver to be processed out.

Fortuantely the liver does reacquire its ability to purge itself. But I can feel it pass through the liver. Starts at the top and works its way down eventually coming out the bottom of the liver and I can feel it pass through the colon too.

But now it's a good sign, I know there's just that much less in this body that can make me sick.

But the off and on thing goes for quite a while. At this stage with you the liver congests and that causes a back-up which you feel in the lymph nodes under your arm. Plus as those nodes clear out you'll feel uncomfortable. Not really pain but you know somehting is happening. The lymph itself is thinning out to be passed.

I get a kick out of those that say this is easy to do. I get newsletters from Schulze and others telling folks: "Clean your colon", "clean your liver", "clean your kidneys", "get rid of the parasites". Like it's an easy thing to do, no problem, like taking your car out and getting it washed. Yeah right. This takes some work and some of it is quite uncomfortable to go through. It does indeed test you.

Fortunately you start improving right away and you literally see the results and understand immediately why you are sick. Can't be healthy with all those bugs and poisons in you. Can't be.

Anyway, try the milk thistle. The pain all the way into the ear is the lymph system unloading.

Hey, a good upper cervical adjustment helps quite a bit with all this. Get your neck checked about once a month. Speeds the process.



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