Thanks Doc for replying to my earlier post....just a few questions wanted to ask please. Do you take the dewormer on the day of the flush? Also I wanted to take Milk Thistle but when I read your book it said wait until you have debuged the liver and cleaned out a bit...a women who recommendeds Bach remedies for me told me that my body tested as crying out for this herb but I thought after what you had said in the book that I would hold fire. Today though on the parasite forum I read someone who had posted that they use Milk Thistle and that when they do they seem to get a lot more liver fluke out....what do you think would it be ok at this stage to give it ago?
Just wanted to add to this and say that, part of my problem is that I feel sore and congestion right up my right hand-side, some on my left but mostly the right and when I try to do any healing, like in the past accupunture... my glads in my neck on the rights side, right up to my ear become sore and slight earace and I have got this quite bad after this flush.....any idea whats going on?