17 y
NWO vs Constitution
I attack both McCain and Obama, they equally disgust me. I belong to no labels or parties. Only one thing is important now, and that is the CONSTITUTION.
People need to stop fighting each other and thinking of politics and parties, and start thinking CONSTITUTION. The US is a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, not a democracy! People think the US is a democracy so they think all they have to do is vote, and that their vote actually matters now when the Constitution is being trashed. The Constitution is simply a set of restrictions placed on the government. Doesn't seem like we have been using the Constitution lately huh?
There is barely a Constitution left because of the NWO'ers and the corrupt presidents and congressmen, and because citizens are busy focused on fighting amongst themselves, focused on two people Obama and McCain instead of a piece of paper called the Constitution. The sheep are being led to slaughter and they are fighting over who gets to be first in line!
I attack the NWO because it is real, the biggest threat this country has ever seen. The Rockefellers/Rothschilds etc have admitted to their plans to enslave us. People need to wake the F up and I am glad to see more like Jimsgirl thinking for themselves and figuring it out.