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Re: NYT-Reduced to Junk Status...
Dquixote1217 Views: 786
Published: 17 y
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Re: NYT-Reduced to Junk Status...

The New York Times is a major piece of the NWO controlled media.  To be sure, they are a leftist publication most of the time, though their true allegiance is to the global elite group that has consolidated control of virtually all of the media, along with the major Hollywood studios and publishing houses (does anyone not find it a bit odd that one group of people own or control virtually all of them?).  Thus most of the time you will find them on the left wing socialist side of the equation because that is their role.  Yet at other times they will dutifully fall in line with the neo-cons, such as when they led support for the War in Iraq.

Not surprisingly, they endorsed Obama today.  In the primaries, they endorsed Clinton on the Democrat side and McCain on the republicans side.

Just because the NY Times is recognized as slanted does not mean that every single story it runs is untrue, nor does it mean that someone who quotes it or posts one of its stories is a liberal.  But such is the b******ded logic of those who debate by casting labels as they spew their noxious wisdom out of their nether ends.

It is ironic to watch those same posters castigate others about uncivil posts when they have been the source of by far the most slurs and hate filled inflammatory posts in this forum, as well as posting articles and stories from some of the most extremist sources to be found on the internet.




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