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Why the Big Show Barry?
  Views: 833
Published: 17 y

Why the Big Show Barry?

Three days ago obama announced to the whole world his intention to leave for Hawaii to visit his 'dying' grandmother. Three days ago? Yeah right.

When I learned of my mother's impending death I immediately called the airlines and booked the next flight to see her to be sure I would say goodbye to her while she was still breathing. I did not wait for three full days and make a big stink about it in television interviews making a scene about how much I cared for my dying relative. So why the big show Barry?

If my own mother was dying, and potentially about to leave this planet forever, I would also make sure to take my spouse and my children to comfort her and make sure they said goodbye. So where are Michelle and the kids?

This does not pass the smell test. Could this be a pretext for something else? Maybe a birth certificate? hmmm.



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