17 y
Not any women I know
She's a laughing stock amongst the educated females I know.
We've all worked with a ball buster like her. Someone who is so damn self righteous, and seriously doesn't give a rats ass about screwing anyone standing in her way. Someone who feels self important, to the point of actually being in la-la land about the fact she was brought up on ethic charges. A woman that obviously has knee jerk reactions, and does not show good judgment.
No, no no....the first woman in that high an office simply cannot be that under qualified, intellectually deficient idiot. Not for woman, and certainly not because there is a good chance McCain is not going to make it for 4 years.
She carries zero of my ideals in strong capable women. She is barely higher in status than Roseanne Barre.
And....what is to become of her special needs child? Even the hard working and capable women I have known would not put their careers first to a special needs child. What a wonderful example of motherhood.
She is beyond Icky.