Woman are openly coming out for Sarah Palin. As usual this goes unreported as we are expected to believe the shamelessly fraudulent polls. The fact is that woman in leadership positions are gathering around Sarah Palin and standing tall with her publicly. I suppose this will be dismissed as racist or inconsequential or some such nonsense. Or that these women are traitors. Or I will be told that hate and distortions are present in this post. Or it's too little too late. So be it.
from Sarah Palin's widely unreported speech yesterday...
“It is such an honor for me today to have up here on stage some very
independent, very courageous, very accomplished women and I am so
honored to get to introduce you to these women who have broken a few
glass ceilings of their own and I ask you gals to stand up here as I
introduce you.
First, Prameela Bartholomeusz a small business
owner and a member of the Democratic National Platform Committee. She’s
with us today. It is my honor to have with us also Linda
Klinge the former Oregon president and now Vice-President of the
National Organization of Women. She’s with us here today and Shelly
Mandell President of the Los Angeles chapter of the National
Organization of Women here with us today and Lynn Rothschild you may
have seen her on television a whole lot lately. She is a member of the
Democratic Platform Committee. She is with us here today and Elaine
Lafferty a former editor in chief of Ms. magazine they are here today to
endorse the McCain-Palin campaign.”