Re: Does oil pulling cause teeth to become transparent?
We've actually discussed this eons ago. There were some alarms that went off about transparent teeth.
But the overwhelming majority of people end up with superior dental visits. Many of us have been OPing for years now with no enamel problems. At the end of the day I'd say that OP does not cause any enamel issues. If anyone has had issues, I'd like to hear about it please.
Some have a real fear of this therapy, perhaps because it's so fast in its efficacy. I had very sensitive teeth prior to OPing (I could not drink lemonade or champagne at all without a night of pain). I have zero sensitivity now. I've been OPing very faithfully for a number of years now. I know more people that have done this many more years than myself.
You need to perform therapies in which you feel comfortable. If you ever feel like you have reason for alarm with your teeth, I would stop for awhile and see if there are any positive changes.
Changing oil has proven to cause different reactions.
Olive-Oil changed the color of some peoples teeth. Coconut Oil for a long time was hailed as the king of teeth whiteners. I have no idea which oil might be stronger than others, and there has been many discussions about oils that react with different blood types, etc.