17 y
Obama closer to Bush then McCain
Liberals what a bunch of loser! Notice libs never post anything substantial only hate and bigotry and trying the childish pursuit of calling McCain names that apply to Obama!
Comrade Chavez is kin to O commie yet these fools attempt to connect McCain philosophically, a real American, to the commie Chavez! Desperate for something to defend their messiah they will use stupidity or any other means to distract the fact that Ocommie is closer to bush and his Marxist/Trotskyites then McCain ever will be!
These fools claim they are educated,(although their ignorance outshines this education) a word commies use to indoctrinate the foolish youth of America!
Like I said the younger they are the more they feel the need to kiss Husseins commie arse!
Obamas commie/criminal past is just now being exposed in the mainstream media .I only hope people get the message before these fools elect Obama and then be charged with these crimes after he is elected, which would be a disaster for America!
The American people are so dumbed down, between the communist education(indoctrination) they receive and the mainstream media elite who control their brains will soon offer up their bodies!
I never seen a group of people so ignorant that they support their own slavery so fervently!
Solzhenitzyn himself who said he was born into slavery asks the American liberal, "why do you "choose" to be a slave?"