The bleeding heart dems are soooo not getting it.
They say “What does McCain want? What does Palin want?”
“Why can’t you tell me what they want?” Liberals are clueless whiners.
They are begging for a response. Like babies wanting for a diaper change.
This shows us why liberalism is a mental disorder.
This election is an ideological contest where issues are one aspect.
The big picture is what is at stake.
Obama is a socialist who believes in taking money
from hard working people and giving it away. This is socialism.
This is the mentality of a slave who waits for handouts and
is incapable of acting for their own good. This is baby consciousness.
America is a capitalistic country. Socialists hate this.
Too bad. Sorry this fact gets you so upset.
Obama believes we can kiss and make up with our enemies
and everything will be all better. This is why liberalism is a mental disorder.
Obama believes that shutting down dissent is the answer
for anything he does not agree with. This is fascism. Socialists
do not like free speech, a basic American right. America was built
on freedom and liberty. Obama does not like this. Socialism is about absolute control.
Obama’s accomplices are thieves (Resko), his mentor is a rascist
and womanizer who hates America (Wright), his ideological buddy bombed
government buildings (Ayers). His wife (Michelle) was never proud
of her country. The handwriting is on the wall. Libs are so crazy with hate
(like Obama’s sidekicks and his wife) they can’t see this.
I am not voting for McCain but against Marxism.
My vote is ideological. It is not about any one issue.
It’s about what America was built on. Deal with it.