Re: What my BV actually is being caused by!- CERVICAL CANCER
Ok i spoke too soon, my Dr. and I thought I had warts, but it is actually Cervical cancer that has been causing itching/burning discharge =( I had a biopsy done a week ago and I was confident they were warts, I saw the Dr. today and she told me it is cancer, and i thought the bumps on my vagina were warts but when i took a closer look they are not even bumps they are hard lumps deep in my tissue, so this is all disturbing of course, I don't even a have HPV, my paps were normal but et i have full blown cancer. The dr. said it is contained to just my cervix, but 2 days ago these lumps on the outside of my vagina one near my rectum became noticeable.
I'm afraid its not invasive and that the cancer is in my vagina as well. i have to have a cone biopsy done.
dang, i was so happy to think i just had warts. i'm just going to do what the doctor says to do, surgeries and whatever, and i'm going to try and detox like a mad woman, i am going to do the gerson diet, which in a nutshell is raw diet.
OK so my BV was actually cervical cancer!!!