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Re: 'Kill' as much as you can and fast.Beautiful MMS DROPS
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Re: 'Kill' as much as you can and fast.Beautiful MMS DROPS

I am not reading much on this forum about administering Miracle-Mineral-Supplement directly to the bloodstream via IV . I believe this is a modality that should be stressed more . I understand that maybe in the US it is more difficult for the average person to find such equipment or even a doctor to administer Miracle-Mineral-Supplement via IV ( malpractice .etc )..

However , as far as I'm concerned , I know that if I had a serious life-threatening illness ..I would be coming at it like a Spartan , or like Bruce Lee .

IV , I believe is the way to go ..There is no Big-D ( Correct me if I'm wrong , but why would there be ? By passing the intestines I assume you would more or less avoid BIG-D ) ..maybe at most the person would experience serious drowsiness ( one often reported symptom when dealing with high dosages ) .

Shocking the system via IV , and continuing the high dosages , until the infection is gone , is the way to go ( Bite on something and go through the discomfort like a Spartan ..) . Maybe a short break in between and go right back at it again .



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