Re: 'Kill' as much as you can and fast.Beautiful MMS DROPS
Hello Whawk,
Sorry, but your information is off a little...
Chlorine dioxide has been in use as a disinfectant for over 52 years, and to date no pathogen has developed a resistance to it.
Antibiotics target a specific part of a pathogen and in those cases the pathogen can alter itself to become immune to the
Antibiotics . Chlorine dioxide dose not target a specific part of the pathogen, it simply destroys the whole pathogen.
In order for chlorine dioxide to kill pathogens, you need to have the correct concentration in contact with the pathogen for the correct amount of time. The reason it doesn't work sometimes is because the correct concentration has not been in contact with the pathogens for the correct amount of time.
In industry, efficacy tests are done to determine what the correct concentrations and contact times are. This work has not been done with
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , so people are trying various things in an effort to figure out what works.
Chlorine dioxide is very effective at low concentrations if it is in contact with the pathogens. That brings up the other difficulty. Does an oral dose of
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement deliver chlorine dioxide to the pathogens?
When you hit the big "D," you have basically destroyed most of the microbes in your GI tract. If that is where your pathogens are, then going for the big D may be the best way to proceed. However, if your pathogens are elsewhere, it is not the best way to proceed.
I think it is irresponsible to advise people to go for the large doses of
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . It may be that lower doses are more effective if the pathogens are outside of the GI tract.
Keep in mind that when Jim Humble was working with the people with malaria he reported that they had very little, if any, discomfort from taking the MMS doses. If the effects of malaria can be eliminated without people getting the big "D," don't you think that tells us something?
It is speculated that cancer can be cured very rapidly by taking several 10 drop doses topically. If this is true, why should people ingest 15 drop doses and make themselves sick?
I too readily tell people about chlorine dioxide, but unless someone is suffering from malaria, I think a modified protocol should be used. There are ways to get more chlorine dioxide inside the body that make more sense than the MMS protocol. There are also ways to make the dose more effective and there are ways to target other areas of the body.
Until there is proper testing done we will just have to try various things and see what works.