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Re: Why are you voting for McCain
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Re: Why are you voting for McCain

Why are you voting for McCain

I'm not. McCain is a m*o*o*n.

His commercials talk about renewable energy while he wants to do offshore drilling and make more nuclear power plants. Not renewable sources.

And he thinks that the offshore drilling will lower gas prices. Wrong again. In order to get gas to the market it has to be refined. The oil companies closed down their most profitable oil refinery in California to artificially raise prices. When Jim Baker from the PTO and his friends tried to buy the refinery to reopen it the oil companies blocked this. Again, if the oil cannot be refined because the oil companies want to keep the price of gas up all the offshore drilling in the world is not going to make a difference. Just sounds like more Bush wannabee tactics.

As far as more nuclear power plants go, where does McBraindead think we are going to store all of the waste from these plants. We don't have any permanent storage as it is, and Yucca Mountain has already been proven unsafe and unstable. Not to mention that more power plants and more waste being transported means more terrorist targets. McCain is a terrorists dream come true. And nuclear is the absolutely most expensive form of energy we can produce when you factor in the transportion costs and costs of building storage sites and storing the waste for the next 10,000 years. Of course to pay for all of this McCain is going to have to raise taxes.

And McCain says he is pro-life, but he wants to keep us in a war against a country that never attacked us just to keep his buddy Bush rolling in his oil profits. How many innocent civilians, including children and babies, are dying in this war just so Bush and his crohnies can make more money with oil and no-bid contracts in which they are overcharging our government.

That money could be used to improve our schools and to repair our roads and bridges that are falling apart. And to help stabilize our economy and reduce the number of people losing their homes. No wonder why McCain is relying so heavily on viscious, lying attacks on Obama rather than talking about the issues of what he would do if he were elected. He does not want to address the issues because he would then have to explain how he would pay for any of this, which is of course to raise taxes.

Of course he does not want to raise taxes on the wealthy. No, he wants to keep the Bush tax cuts to the oil companies and others in place. So who is going to get the shaft? Yep, the average American citizen.

And McCain harped over and over about Obama's supposed lack of experience, then he chooses Palin as a running mate, who has even less experience, unless you count experience in corruption. She has already proven that she is willing to abuse her power, and even her husband has been found to have been acting in a lobbyist fashion. I got a kick out of watching her tying to debate. That was solid evidence that she is not ready to lead anything other than maybe her little Alaskan town.

Pray to God that McCain does not win. Our country cannot survive another 4 years of Bush-like policies and corruption!!!

Copy this reply and send it to everyone you know before it is too late.


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